
(close! channel)

Closes the specified channel; emptying it first.


(closed? ch)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified channel is closed.


(poll! channel)

Polls the specified channel



Wraps the given sink target in a channel to sink messages to.

The first argument is the sink target. Target types supported out of the box are:

  • clojure.lang.Atom - the dereferenced value should be a collection
  • java.lang.String - should indicate an absolute file path.

The second argument is an option map for that sink target.

Options supported by all sink targets:

key default description
:pred any? A predicate to use to filter the incoming messages by.
:n nil A limit to the number of messages that will be written to the sink before it closes. based targets (i.e., File, String) also support the same additional options as for io/writer plus:

key default description
:serializer pprint function taking an object and that will be used to serialize the object to the Writer.


(to! in-channel sink-target & [{:keys [close-sink?], :or {close-sink? true}, :as opts}])

Starts piping data from the specified input channel to the specified sink target. For more control over the sink channel itself, wrap the sink target use to-chan! instead.

Support options:

key default description
:close-sink? true Whether to close the sink destination once the input channel closes.

Any other specified options are passed as arguments to sink-chan when creating the sink channel. See the documentation for sink-chan for more details.


(to-chan! in-channel sink-channel & [{:keys [close-sink?], :or {close-sink? true}}])

Starts piping data from the specified input channel to the specified sink channel.

key default description
:close-sink? true Whether to close the sink channel once the input channel closes.